Learning to put Me first...

It sounds easy to do, putting yourself first. Some people come by it quite naturally. This world is full of people who only think of themselves! There are some who learned early to take care of themselves and to make sure they did things that made them happy and validated. Taking care of yourself should come easy, right? Not necessarily! Times hasn't changed too much for women and putting themselves first. If you are a women, you are automatically supposed to be more giving and nurturing. Your needs are supposed to come behind your kids and family, right? Women of today sacrifice a lot of themselves in order to have kids, family, and career. Being the one who nurtures and takes care of the family is a job usually reserved for the women. It's not all bad putting others first. Especially when it comes to your kids and family. Being there for your children when they need you is priceless. Children need guidance and lots of attention. I never did mind putting my kids and fami...