You know you're getting old when?... You're body changes!

I remember a time when my body was the last thing I had to worry about. I was not overweight as a child or as a young adult. Being a women, I always had my moments of bloating and stomach swells. But nothing too dramatic. I was in a pretty regular routine with my body. And I was fairly healthy. I had a habit of only eating when I was hungry and always in small amounts. Not dieting, but I was always aware of my weight as all women usually are. Keeping the habit of only eating when hungry and choosing small portion sizes really helped to keep my weight down. I could usually eat whatever I wanting, in moderation of course.

But now since I've reached my 40's, OMG, things are so different and hard to get use to! My body doesn't feel like my own anymore! I mean, let's be clear here. I've never been some workout type who kept track of every calorie. I didn't workout at the gym or have a workout routine. But what I've always done was remain active through walking, gardening, and biking. I have a couple chronic health issue that I always had to keep my eyes on. Anemia and asthma kept me sidelined at times. Sometimes I could not do any physical activity. It didn't bother me because I would only eat when hungry and in small amounts. That has all changed since I've gotten older.

I can't say that I was prepared for this change in my body. I was not! I was use to my body performing a certain way and I thought that it would just keep going on and on... I didn't realize that especially for a women, our body changes dramatically! I heard a little about menopause but I didn't know much. Most of the ladies I know has had hysterectomies. Once I figured out I was premenopausal, it all made sense. I could finally understand what was going on with my body. Once I figured out some things, and did research, I went to my doctor to see what I needed do. I was disappointed that my doctor didn't actually recommend natural medications. He wanted to put me on hormone replacement and such... Nope! I always try to take as less as possible when it comes to medicine. Once I knew that menopause was a natural process and it happens to all women in some fashion or another, it let me know that I could also choose my treatment or not.

I actually started to notice changes in my body in my mid 30's. Again, I went to my doctor and was told that I was beginning to start the post menopausal phase and that this process could take several years! The doctor didn't explain anything else? Since the symptoms would come and go, I didn't pay it much attention. By the time I turned 40 years old my body was in full changing mode. Now it doesn't matter what I eat or how, I will gain weight! The swelling of my stomach and bloating is ridiculous! My mood is always swinging from one extreme to the other. And night sweats is a every night thing! I didn't realize how much life changes when you're body changes!

At this point I'm still going through the changes, I've just learned how better to cope with it. I try to do things that are natural to help with my symptoms. There are lots of natural alternatives that can be used instead of taking a pill every day! I'd rather use natural remedies and treatments. They have worked to help ease some of my symptoms. I relax and meditate! It helps! I've had to change my eating habits. I now do intermittent fasting as part of my daily eating routine. It has helped me to lose weight and it helps balance my hormones and mood swings. I'm not sure how long all this will last, but I have learned a new way of life! I now pay more attention to my body and I try to eat healthier! My body has responded favorably! I still have bad days, but I now know to take menopause one day at a time and menopause is a natural process and a part of life..


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