My imagination let me down, again!

How many times have you imagined something special? You had it all worked out in your mind! Every detail has been thought of and figured out! You just knew everything would work out. Why? Because you've already imagined it out a thousand times in your head... Only to have reality slap your well-thought-out plan right in the face! 

All the thoughtful planning, for what? None of you're imangined thought ever became a reality! Sound familiar? Sometimes I wonder about dreams and imagination! In my experience they have never panned out how I thought they would, if it happens at all. Months of thoughts, dreams, and imagining, only for it to fall through the cracks of my mind! I'm not talking about big fantastic imangining. Like winning the lotto or getting rich overnight! I'm talking about real dreams that could come true!

As I've gotten older, I've come to realize not all that we imagine comes into reality! No matter how we've thought it out or imagined everything down to the last detail! Sometimes its just not meant to be. What I've learned is we all have our own journey in life! We all have things that come to us and things that don't, period! Certain things that happened to one person doesn't necessarily happen to another!

So why imagine or have dreams at all, you might be thinking! Why even bother trying to make things happen that you've imagined? The answer is simple! Imagination and dreams are a part of who we all are! I don't know one single person who has never imagined or had a dream! It happens to us all, even if we don't know the reason. Imagination and dreams help us to grow! Imagination and dreams help us to sometimes escape a difficult situation. Dreams and imagination gives us something to strive for! It's healthy to day dream and imagine things in our head! Unless we share our dreams or imagination with other, it is also private! No one know what we are thinking.

Just think of all the dreams and thoughts that never get shared! The choice is yours! To share or not! But if you never try to go for your dreams the world suffers a lost! Why? Because your dreams might just be the thing the world needs! Sometimes we have idea that we think are silly or pointless! You'll never know until you try! You're silly idea might be just what is needed! Never give up on you're imagination or dreams. Life will always let you know if its possible or not. But one thing is for sure, if you never try, it'll never be realized!

Trying to make a dream come true is in all of us! Whether you know it or not, you're dreams might still be possible! Dreams don't usually have an expiration date! If it does, and you feel your time has passed on you're dream, create a new one! The joy of dreams, ideas, and imagination is that we can always create new one's! So when you've tried and failed at a dream, dont give up! Either keep trying to figure out a way to make it happen or start over with a new dream and get to work on it!

One of the biggest problems we face in today's world is people mad because their dreams let them down! People feel letdown and left out of their dreams! We must all remember that everyone has dreams! It doesn't matter the age! Doesn't matter if you're young and just starting on life's journey or if your old and have lived many years... We all have dreams we would like to see come into reality! People need encouragement! Instead of feeling alone or isolated by you're dreams, just remember it happens to all of us!

Most of my major disappointments in life was because of broken dreams or things not working out when I've tried so hard! But with age has come wisdom! By realizing that broken dreams happen to everyone helps me to keep dreaming! Remembering that nobody's dream always come true, can be a source of inspiration! See we all suffer from the human condition. Life is what it is... So keep dream! Keep hope alive! You never know, your idea, dream, or imagination might save the world!!

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