Accepting Me Naturally...
Real acceptance of yourself. What does that really mean? I thought I would look into it. Recently I've been wanting to know myself better. I guess that another symptom of being older. You get to the point of self reflection. I know I'm now at that age. With grown children, a major move to the country, and going through the change of life, my everyday role in life is changing. With such drastic changes occurring, self reflection was just a natural process. Everything I've done for the past 25 years has changed to something different now. My life doesn't look the same as it once did. I don't look like I once did. I've gotten to a point in my life where I have to either accept what's happening and try to adjust my sails or get bitter and depressed because things aren't the way they used to be. I'm at the point where my life is taking new shape. Even my career and work life has changed.
Reflection helped me to see the changes and myself... All the questions I had about my life and my part in it begin accelerate! My mind was on overdrive for days trying to figure the when's and the why's. But eventually reflection slowed me down and made me take a look at it from a different perspective. Looking back on my life, there were plenty of times when I had low self esteem. Looking back I always wanted to fit in and be part of the group. But I always found myself on the outside. No matter what I did, I never really fit in. I've spent years of my life thinking that if I did this or that, then I would be more liked and accepted by the group. In my young adult life, I thought getting an education, getting married, and having children would get me accepted... It did not.
So here I am. I'm now a middle-aged women who has to figure out what to do with her life from here on out! I didn't won't to hold on to the past. I was also afraid of what the future might bring! I had to do something! I just couldn't ball myself up in a corner for the rest of my life. Then one day it dawned on me. Instead of trying to be this or that, try being natural. Why not stop the madness of try to become anything but who you really are? It's time to stop trying to be anything, it's time to just relax and Be! What if I put my efforts into trying to learn more about myself. I pushed all my wants and dreams to the side years ago. You see, usually why you're trying to fit in you have to let go of your own dreams because they don't fit in with the group. Look, I'm not saying that I didn't have good times or that everything was always bad. Not at all! But what I am saying is trying to fit in and be accepted changes your life and the way you do things.
It's finally time for me! There's no way around it. I've got more than enough time now to take a hard look at myself and determine what I want to do. Being middle-aged and starting over can be done! It lies in my outlook. And now through reflection I have a positive attitude and outlook for my future. Deciding to go natural and be more natural has been a blessing. I'm learning new things about myself. I'm learning to love myself just the way I am. The need for acceptance has faded away. Now I don't really care! I've realize now that time is precious! I don't have time to waste on trying to be accepted. It's time to do the things that will my body, mind, and soul better! Time to find out who I really am. It's time to figure out what I want to do with the second half of my life! The decision about my future begins and ends with me. I've decided to investigate and learn as much about me as possible. I want to try and be as natural as possible, by choice! It feels good inside to be able to break away from wanting to fit in. I'm glad that I woke up in time before my whole life was over! I'm going to do this for Me. No longer will I put off my needs and wants for the sake of a group who never accepted me anyway!
So yeah, I'm accepting myself as is, and loving it! Those around me don't understand what is happening with me, and that's alright! I realize now that I'm on my own. This is my life to do as I see fit. And I've chosen to take care of myself and my needs now and from now on! For the first time in a long time, My life matters to me! So I'm going to keep moving forward with my natural self. Trying to live a more natural life. In my journey I'm not sure what I'll find, but it'll be fun finding out and figuring it out as I go!
Come along with me on my journey of self acceptance and being more natural. Follow my blog! Subscribe to my YouTube channel! Follow me on instagram! Thank you for your support!