Welcome to my new blog page

I am excited to be starting this blog. I have been wanting to do this for quite a while. No better time than the present so here I am. In my blog I will be talking about and sharing lifestyle idea and experiences for the everyday middle age women. I have just recently changed my life and moved over 100 miles from where I lived for 15 years. I have my own experiences to share and idea to talk about. Come along for the ride... Join me as I start my adventure over again at the middle of my life. My children are grown and I have several grandchildren. I've been married for over twenty years to a man I absolutely adore. My life has been blessed in many ways. I have also had sorrows and pains. Growing older has turned out to be its own experience. Not to mention being a middle aged women going through the change...lol. I have completely uprooted my life and started over in a country setting. NO more city living for me. I love small towns and slow living. Making a change from City to County is a work in process. But its something both my husband and I wanted to do. We have not regretted out decision.. There is lots of work ahead of us and lots going on in my small country life. I am also a business owner and I have to restart my business in a new location! My life has no shortages of activity. I will be sharing and updating my life and lifestyle adventures in future posts.


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