Evening Coffee..for Two!

It has become a ritual around our house for hubby and I to drink a cup of evening coffee. When we first started doing this, it was winter time and we were drinking the coffee just as a warm up before bed. It kept us warm and it was a good way to have conversations.. The next thing you know, we were drinking coffee together nearly every night, spending time talking, and taking time to find out about each other's day, almost everyday for over twenty years! Seems like just yesterday but it has been twenty one years! Nowadays, we don't think about it much, its almost second nature for us to have our evening coffee. It's a great way to enjoy each other and relax at the end of the day! Sometimes we talk and drink our coffee for 20 minutes, then other times we talk up until time to go to bed..

In this fast-paced world we live in, it's nice to have someone to relax with. It also keeps a closeness between us that some couple seem to have problems with. Having evening coffee has kept my husband and I very close through the years. We've shared all kinds of thoughts and dreams while drinking our evening coffee! Yes, something as simple as taking time each day to share a coffee and talk about the day has been one of the things that has kept us connected and focused on each other through the years...


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