
Re-Awakening... After a long sleep.

Being an empath means, we think about things a little deeper than others. While others usually wake up and get their days started with not so much as a wink or a nod to the "powers that be" for waking them and for the day. I do, I thank God for everything and every day, daily. When I was young and in my "running wild" stage, some said I wouldn't live to see 20 years old... And look at me now.? Forty-nine years strong! This ole lady has begun to re-awaken the sleeping soldier. The silent warrior from within begins to emerge! And I'm thankful. Some people say once you've been awakened from your sleep about this world, you can never go back to sleep! That does not apply in this case! I've had a few bouts of re-awakening.. #Yep! And each time I thank God I realized I had fallen back to sleep and that I needed to get back to a point of living life in the now... Not only that but to remember and see this world more natural and true! While asleep, yo...


By putting God first in our lives everyday, we are imperfectly-perfect for each other! Acceptance of one another comes easy with love and guidance from up above!   And never forgetting God brought us two together so that we could become One!...   Twenty-two years is only the beginning baby, of many more years to come! AngeloftheSouth

Thank you for being a friend..

A twenty-two-year marriage and friendship! These days friends can be hard to come by. Real, true friends are rare! Finding a friend that you can relate to, talk to, and share things with, who really cares for you, is hard to find. Well, I've been blessed to find that someone! Someone who has always been there for me and someone who has always had my back (no matter what)! Good or bad, better or worse, always been there for me! The blessings continue because my best friend is also my husband. Yes, my husband! Even I can't believe how close we are sometimes. Before I met my husband (over 22 years ago), I didn't think marriage would be like this. I come from a broken childhood. Not only was I raised by my grandmother, but my mother and father were also divorced. Throughout my childhood, my mother married multiple times. Never staying married over five or six years at a time. So you see, my first impression of marriage was not a good one. I didn't have the best exam...

No more people pleasing for Me!

Life can sometimes show you things you never thought you'd see. Asking questions of the universe, allowing and accepting the answers that come forth can sometimes be shocking. After getting to a certain age, I begin to question my life and the way my life had turned out. Although for normal standards I should be happy with all I had, there was something missing. No, it wasn't material things that was missing! It was something much, much deeper! Who was I really? Did I really know myself? Was I really happy with the person I had become? These were questions that I asked myself. I prayed about it and I meditated on it, then I waited for the answers to come to me. At first there was no response. My life continued as normal. Everyday going through the same ole, same ole. Working, taking care of family and friends, this was my life.  I had a pretty big circle of friends and family around me all the time. Always helping out when needed and working extra when I could, I thought ...

Understanding my emptiness

Life's second act.. I never thought that my life could start anew. Being in my late 40's with grown children and 6 grandchildren, I thought my life was pretty routine. Going through the everyday motions of life and doing what I normally do everyday, day after day. But something happened about a year ago to change not only my routine, it has changed my life! I made the decision to move away to the country! I didnt think this was such a big deal. I knew my life would change but I wasn't expecting much of a change. Moving always comes with changes! A new place, new scenery, and a new area! I knew it would take some getting use to but I was ready for the challenge! But there was something I was not ready for. The personal changes that would take place in my life! Besides the average changes one goes through with any move, I also begin to see personal changes! The first thing I noticed had to do with the people in my life. Before I moved I had quite a few friends. People I...

Shhh... Be Quiet!

Be Quiet and listen to yourself... Sounds simple doesn't it? Be quiet and listen to yourself! Seems like more times then not, you're always listening to yourself, right? Seems like at times we can't turn our thoughts and our "inner voice" off. Always nagging and tell us things aren't any good! Unfortunately, our thoughts that we listen to isn't the real thoughts I'm speaking of..    When was the last time you were quiet for a day, a week, a month? Most of us are so caught up in today's world, we forget there is an "inner" side to us. A different side that only we can tap into. Everything about today's world keeps us looking outward. Never taking time to attend to our "inner" selves. Meditation is always a good way to get back in touch with your "inner" self. But you don't even need meditation! Being able to do self reflection and becoming quiet enough to hear our "real inner" voice can be very ...

My imagination let me down, again!

How many times have you imagined something special? You had it all worked out in your mind! Every detail has been thought of and figured out! You just knew everything would work out. Why? Because you've already imagined it out a thousand times in your head... Only to have reality slap your well-thought-out plan right in the face!  All the thoughtful planning, for what? None of you're imangined thought ever became a reality! Sound familiar? Sometimes I wonder about dreams and imagination! In my experience they have never panned out how I thought they would, if it happens at all. Months of thoughts, dreams, and imagining, only for it to fall through the cracks of my mind! I'm not talking about big fantastic imangining. Like winning the lotto or getting rich overnight! I'm talking about real dreams that could come true! As I've gotten older, I've come to realize not all that we imagine comes into reality! No matter how we've thought it out or imagined ev...