Shhh... Be Quiet!
Be Quiet and listen to yourself...
Sounds simple doesn't it? Be quiet and listen to yourself! Seems like more times then not, you're always listening to yourself, right? Seems like at times we can't turn our thoughts and our "inner voice" off. Always nagging and tell us things aren't any good! Unfortunately, our thoughts that we listen to isn't the real thoughts I'm speaking of..
When was the last time you were quiet for a day, a week, a month? Most of us are so caught up in today's world, we forget there is an "inner" side to us. A different side that only we can tap into. Everything about today's world keeps us looking outward. Never taking time to attend to our "inner" selves. Meditation is always a good way to get back in touch with your "inner" self. But you don't even need meditation! Being able to do self reflection and becoming quiet enough to hear our "real inner" voice can be very refreshing. In a world that is always telling you to look outwards, once you start looking at and listening to your inner self, life changes. You're perspective changes! You see that there is more to you than what you see from the outside. You're "inner" voice is always calm, loving, kind, and truthful...
Being able to get quiet and listen to your "inner" self can be a way to relate to some of the current situations going on in this world. I mean let's face it, times aren't the most pleasant we've seen in our life! If you are middle-aged, then you know of a time when things were a lot more calmer in this world. The sky was bluer! Everything about life was different than what it is now. Just remember that everything happens for a reason. And for that reason we are here in this place and time. Which also means that we will handle life and (if we're smart), adjust with the changing times. This is life! Being able to adjust to our surroundings! Things can change so suddenly in life. Being able to stop every now and then to reflect on your life is a good thing! It helps you see yourself in a different way!
Even if you're spending time being quiet, how much are you actually listening to your "inner" self? It can take time and practice to get to the point where you can hear your "inner" voice but believe me, it's there! You're "inner" voice is waiting on you to take the time to listen. You have to shut off all of your thoughts and just listen to the silence! Getting back to nature is a great way to listen and be quiet enough to hear you're "inner" voice. Just listening to the birds, the crickets, and the frogs, has a way of eventually pushing out your thoughts.. Try it! Just be quiet and listen! Listening to music is another great way to get in touch with you're "inner" self. Taking the time to listening to your favorite songs has a calming effect that also pushes your thoughts away! Try it! Just get caught up in the music and then sit quietly.
These days everyone says to meditate! Some of us don't know how to meditate? Meditation is a great way to listen to you're "inner" voice. Meditation takes practice (daily). But what some won't tell you is that everything you do is a meditation! Yes, meditation has to start somewhere. And the ways I've suggested is a great starting point. There are also meditation and relaxation tapes and video's that you can do as well. Being able to (regularly) get in touch with your "inner" voice will not only help you in your life, but it also helps the world. Being able to hear and respond to your "inner" voice keeps you centered! No matter what life hands you, you will be better able to live in the moment when you have yourself centered and you are in touch with your "inner voice".
Are you stressed out? Does life seem chaotic all the time? Are you afraid of what might come next? Does this world seem to be moving too fast for you? If it's not your phone, its your text messages! If it's not you're voice mail, it's your DM? If it's not Facebook, it's Instagram... Always something going on! Always someone wanting or needing your attention? Why be so busy? Nowadays, there's always something to be stressed or upset about. World events, our families, our financial situations, and just trying to live everyday, is hard enough! Checking out from all this mess and turning within give you a much needed break! We neglect ourselves by not taking the time to listen to our "inner" voice. Getting older, smarter, and wiser is a goal we all want to accomplish. The best thing we can do for ourselves is put ourselves first sometimes. It's not selfish to take care of yourself! Instead of running on empty all the time emotionally, and being there for others all the time, you need to take care of yourself sometimes!
You can start off with just a few minutes a day! Whenever you get a minute here or there! For example before you go to bed every night! Right after you wake up in the morning, just before you get out of bed! At work? How about using one of your break times to sit quietly or listen to your favorite music? How much time you use being quiet is up to you! 15 minutes here, 30 minutes there? Whatever time you can spare! Once you start taking time for yourself and turning within, you'll know what to do from there! No other words is needed! Once you enjoy the peace and calmness you get from your "inner" self, words can not explain? You will find yourself finding time to be quiet! You will start noticing a change in not only your "inner" self, but your "outer" self as well! At the same time you will be getting to know more and more about yourself!
We can't stop life from happening! It is what it is.. But the way you deal with life can make all the difference. The advice I give to you are all the methods I've used myself. We all get to the place where we need to step back and take a look at our world and ourselves! This world could use all the peace and calm it can get right now (anger is at a all time high)! You can be the calm the world needs!
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