How many times have you imagined something special? You had it all worked out in your mind! Every detail has been thought of and figured out! You just knew everything would work out. Why? Because you've already imagined it out a thousand times in your head... Only to have reality slap your well-thought-out plan right in the face! All the thoughtful planning, for what? None of you're imangined thought ever became a reality! Sound familiar? Sometimes I wonder about dreams and imagination! In my experience they have never panned out how I thought they would, if it happens at all. Months of thoughts, dreams, and imagining, only for it to fall through the cracks of my mind! I'm not talking about big fantastic imangining. Like winning the lotto or getting rich overnight! I'm talking about real dreams that could come true! As I've gotten older, I've come to realize not all that we imagine comes into reality! No matter how we've thought it out or imagined ev...
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