Why I do it? Life as a first-time Blogger!
When I first thought about starting a blog, I checked with a few friends and family members. I received mixed opinions about the whole things. Most of my friends and family thought it would be a waste of time. Most felt I wouldn't be able to reach anyone because of the volume of bloggers/vloggers out there right now. I wanted to help people in some way! I've had many life experiences and situations. I thought my life could be a lesson to some of what "not" to do with your life! Or maybe it would show someone that no matter what the circumstance we live on.. I also thought that those who read my blogs would maybe see a little bit of themselves through my stories. Mainly, I just wanted to reach as many people as possible and maybe through my stories I could help. Sometimes people feel alone in situations. They feel like nobody knows what they are going through.
As I was doing my research before starting my blog, I almost got discouraged! Why? The blogging market is saturated. There are people blogging about everything you could imagine. Not only that, the trend seems to be headed toward vlogging/video blogging. Everyone is making daily video blogs and that market is saturated as well. I thought, how can I get my page to get noticed when the market is so saturated? I felt like my blog posts would just get lost in the shuffle. I thought nobody would read about my experiences because I would be at the low end of the totem pole! So at first I paused before starting this blog! I felt in my heart that I had something to share with the world and that I might be able to help someone through my experiences. But how could I break away from the over saturated crowd?For months I prayed about it and continued to research before I actually begun writing. Blogging is personal for me! Being able to write and put my life's actions on review for all to see can be scary! And what about the Haters, surely there would be some? But it's a chance I was willing to take if it meant helping someone.. Then one morning out of the blue, I felt differently. My thoughts begin to change because I realized that if I could help just one person, if I could inspire just a few people, that would make my blog worth it all. In these times of superstar bloggers and Youtubers with millions of subscribers and followers, I could still get my message out! Even if it's one person at a time! Somebody would like my stories and maybe learn a thing or two from them. I am a middle aged women who has been through a lot for my age! Some of the lessons I've learned has been life changing, while others simply steered me back to the right path. I decided that what I had to say mattered! I would never know what would happen unless I started. I had to take a chance! Sure it would take some time! Sure it would start off slow! But over time and with a little patience things would work out!
I decided to let go of my fears and get started! Just start writing and see what happens! I thought if it doesn't work out I haven't lost anything! And besides, writing about my life and some of my experiences is good therapy! If no one reads my blog, at least I will have a somewhat diary of my life that I could later share with my grandkids and family members. To my surprise the very first blog post was read by a few people. Yes, that was a big deal because I thought at first I wouldn't get anyone reading anything! I thought it would take months just to get someone to notice my blog page and my writing. But to my surprise people were actually reading my blog post (even if it was just a few). Knowing that someone would be reading my blog posts inspired me to keep writing! I decided when I started that it didn't matter how many people read my posts, just the fact that someone was reading it on a regular basis! I am very thankful to have a group of readers that seem to wait on the next blog post! That encouraged me to keep going!
What I wasn't ready for is the lack of support I got from people who knew me! When I first started I thought my friends and family would be my biggest supporters! I thought I could count on them to read every blog post and comment and share with their friends! Oh how wrong I was! Turns out that no one in my family was interested in supporting me in this venture. No one in my family/friend group could care less about me starting a blog. I must admit that this was a hard pill to swallow! Not having the support of some of my closest friends and family members hurt me deeply! It almost made me want to quit and not write. But I did have a few readers who seemed to look forward to my stories and life experiences! Total strangers who was supporting me in my efforts! Now that felt good! It felt so good that I have continued to write.
Now that I've started writing and have been blogging for a few months now, I must admit, I still don't have the support of friends or family. But I do have all of You! So I'd like to take the time right now to thank Everyone who reads my blog and who has been following my blog from day one! I appreciate the support! I want to make it clear that I am not doing this for any kind of fortune or fame! I'm sharing my experiences to help someone! I am sharing my experiences to let someone know that I've been through situations and survived them all (so far). I'm sharing my experiences because I can relate to life's pressures! My hope is to help someone! When you know that someone has been through what you're going through can be helpful. Knowing that life happens to all of us and that we all have a story to tell is also helpful to others! Knowing we are all trying to figure out life and gain some meaning out of it! WE all struggle with life, it doesn't matter who you are, life happens!
In closing, I write not only to help someone but to also help myself! Writing about my experiences and tribulations is therapy for me too! Besides that, I am still evolving and growing as a person! I still have many battles to face, my life is constantly changing! So no, I might not reach epic status as a blogger! I might not get millions of subscribers or followers either! But I am satisfied in the fact that just maybe my blog inspired or helped someone, even if its just one or two! The old saying goes, "Each one Teach one"! I will continue to blog and be thankful for those who choose to read my blogs! Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog posts. Feel free to leave you're thoughts and comments below in the comment sections! I'd love to hear from you! I always read every comment! Let's keep the conversation going! Until next time... #MuchLove!
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