There's too much meanness going on!
My goodness, today's world looks like nothing I've seen before! Right before my eyes I am witnessing a movement like nothing I've ever seen! The movement of meanness! Why is everybody so angry, upset, or pissed off about something or another? This seems to be running rampant in our society today. People do not hold back their thoughts or feelings about anything! What ever happen to discretion? Do you have to say everything you think? Apparently so because today's world is all about somebody make me mad, I make them mad back! If you push, I push harder! What's up with that? You can't even walk down the street or go to the store without seeing somebody upset or angry about something.
I know these are hard times we live in. People are having a hard time just trying to get by! But guess what? So did the generations before us! Struggles are part of life. And while everybody is mad and angry, just think about how much of life they are missing out on. Life is about so much more than being angry all the time! Life has its ups and downs but the best way I've found out of this mess is to stay positive and laugh a little! Not too long ago you used to could speak to someone and they gladly spoke back... Nowadays people ain't even got time for smiling! And don't you do it!! Naw, don't smile too much, people will then call you a happy go luck or ass kisser! It seems unpleasant to some folks to be around happy people! We are getting few and far between! Just look at our world and you'll have no problem seeing this trend to meanness! But why? Why be that way?
This life comes down to choices! And so what I'm saying is even in the most difficult of situations we can choose to me mad or not be mad! You don't automatically have to go into a rant because the store clerk rang the item up twice! You can choose to take it easy, be glad you noticed the difference, and move on! Hell, you can't even drive now! Let's face it, there have been bad drivers since they invented the automobile! This is nothing new! But somehow nowadays a bad driver can get their lives took because somebody got that upset to shoot or kill someone for their bad driving! I don't know about you but I'm afraid to even blow my horn these days.. You just don't know how someone will take it? Angry and in a hurry to get somewhere! This is the world we live in now!
People threatening at every turn because they are angry about this or that!! You could just be standing/driving/walking, etc, minding your own business when someone gets upset with you and you don't even know what you've done? Innocent bystander! Wake up, life is full of things that can keep you upset at any turn!Hypertension is on the rise! Peoples health is suffering. And all because we are always angry! Don't think for a minute that your mood don't effect your health! Studies says it does! Be wise! Wisdom means knowing that you don't actually have to be mad because that's what everybody else is doing! Be your own person! Loving life, and being happy gets you a lot further in life then being the one who's always upset or mad! Its healthier for you too!
Don't be that Person! Sure life gets hard! Hardships run rampant right now! We are all struggling to get by. Despite what they are telling us about the economy, here in the real world that I live in, people are having a hard time! Myself included! But I choose to take the high road when it comes to being angry all the time. I've grown enough to look at this world and see that's exactly what they want us to be...angry! Look at the tone that's being set in the world right now! Is this really how we want to move forward? With tension and strife? Or do we want to seek peace, love, and understanding? It'll take some time, but we can change this atmosphere of anger and madness!
What I've decided to do is work on myself first! I try my best not to let things upset me too much! This world is going to do what it wants to anyway, but I've got a choice on what I do! These days it seems like situations are set up to push you're buttons and make us upset. But remember, there is a choice! When you work on yourself first, you'll come to the realization that people need compassion, not anger! Most people are angry because of their own life situation! Most times angry people aren't even angry at You! They have so many other things going on or going wrong in their lives, they lash out at the nearest somebody that they can! Too bad if it's you! Most of them are really angry and upset with themselves! Once you realize that, you can start to see a different picture completely!
We are living in a time when nobody wants to let their guard down! Everybody thinks the next person is out to get them.. They think they have to get the next person before they get them! Or they've been hurt so many times that they have built a big old anger wall between themselves and everybody else! Let's stop the madness! Anger does have a place in your life, but to be angry all the time is madness! Life can look so much different once you let go of the anger! The endless time that has been spent being upset could have been used for upliftment or doing things that makes you happy! That's what I do, instead of letting anger rule my life, I'm going to choose joy! I don't care how many angry people I have to face in a days time, I'm going to continue to smile! I'm going to continue to be kind and polite to everybody! I'm going to keep speaking to people with respect and care.
It makes my day better and I really feel that kindness is one of the things missing in life now! Compassion for your fellow man has went right out the window! But it doesn't have to be that way! There is always somebody who will appreciate your smile! Someone will speak back to you when you speak to them! In some cases, you can make someone's day a little brighter just by smiling at them! Or taking the time to speak to someone and ask about their day... Sometimes this is just what someone needs! I'm trying to be That person! Yes, that's who I want to be! Being different means going against the grain. In these times we live in being kind and loving IS going against the grain! Call me a rebel then because I will always be a kind loving person who's always got a Smile waiting for you and compassion in my heart that shows through! I'm even good for a hug if you need it! And you know what? If I keep it up, I just might help a few others to release their anger and choose love! In this world you help people how ever you can. Although being kind and nice seems like a minimal thing to do to help the world, you'll be surprise at how much it is needed! Look around you and you will see, what this wold needs now more than ever is those who will turn away from anger and turn to love! Do you have the courage to go against the grain?...
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