The Price you pay for NOT having it all..

It is said that there is a "price to pay for having it all"! What does that mean? Does it mean that once you get everything you wanted there's something (negative) waiting for you? Does it mean that getting everything you've ever wanted has consequences? What does that statement really mean? Let's take a minute to consider the other side to that coin! What's the price you pay for not having it all? What about the price you pay for letting your goals and dreams fade like you're ole favorite blue jeans? Is there a price you pay for not having it all? It's something to think about. I've given it some thought and looking back over my life, I can see where it applies! 

As I get older, I'm starting to look back and see that there are many times in which I've paid a price for not chasing certain goals and dreams I once had. Yes, there were times that I should have pursued my goals, yet I gave up along the way or never even tried. This has happened to many folks I know. But have you ever thought about the price you might have paid for giving up on those certain goals? What it might have done to your self-esteem? Giving up is never easy! None of us like to admit that we fell short in something. Usually we try to give it our all and hope for the best. Giving your best is the Best that anyone is expected to do. So I'm not talking about when you've tried your best to make things work out in your favor and it didn't!

What I'm talking about here is when you looked at a goal or you've had a certain dream, and you give up on it before you ever even try! For whatever reason, you've already talked yourself out of it before you begin! You decide that trying for that goal or dream is going to take more effort or time than your willing to give or do! But, did you know when you give up without even trying there is a price you've just paid? Did you realize that you've let a part of You go as well... That is the Price you've just paid! I know because I've let it happen to me time and time again. As I said, I haven't given up on every goal or dream that I've had, but there have been times when I've given up before I even got started! And the price I feel was steep! What would have happened if I had at least tried? Why did I not even try? And the goal or the dream, well, it never really goes away! What it does is linger around in your mind as time goes by.. Festering in your mind until its too far in the rear view mirror to even remember all that it was!

Goals and dreams don't just die! They don't really ever go away! This is sometimes called regret! But its only regret, and the price is only paid, when you realize time has passed you by on the goal or dream you had. Realizing that now, at this moment, you cannot reach that goal or dream, its gone! That my friends is a high price! It can be quite a shocker! That's the kind of price that can make some folks down right bitter! Especially in the world we live in today! Times are hard! People are suffering! Things have changed so much from what they used to be! You see people mad for any ole reason! You see folks ready to fight or kill just because they are angry! This is the times we live in!

Have you ever stopped to consider that these mad and upset people are suffering for the Price they paid for not having it all! The price they paid for giving up on whatever goal or dream they may have had. Now I'm not saying that all people are mad because of this, but some are upset with the things that have passed them by! Yes, it can make you angry to realize that your goal or dream has slipped away! It hurts knowing that you won't get that time again, it is gone! But let's be mature about this and realize that this happens to us all! All of us have done this at one time or another in our lives! Its the way you look at it that makes the difference! Disappointments happen to us all! But no need to be bitter! The price we pay for not having it all is showing itself through disappointed, angry, people! Take a look at yourself and know that as long as your breathing, there can be new goals and dreams that You Can Achieve! No need to be mad at everybody! Remember nobody owes you anything! Life is hard on us all!

Realize that what the world needs today is compassion! Yes, compassion! Not only for one another but for ourselves! We are not perfect! No, not one of us is perfect! I don't care what somebody's life looks like from the outside, you never know what is going on, on the inside! These days people try to put on masks or create a cover for their lives! Social media is full of people putting on masks to make their lives look perfect! Don't believe it, its not true! Nobody wants to admit that they are doing bad or having a hard time, so they fake it! Meanwhile on the inside they are having problems just like the rest of us! Stop paying the price for not having it all by realizing you're not alone! For whatever reason we all have situations in our lives that we'd like to take back or do over! But there is no such a thing! Not pursuing that goal or dream does not define who you are as a person! Get to the point where you realize that life doesn't come with a rule book! You learn as you go! Not only that, realize that life is NOT scripted! Life just happens, to all of us! Have some compassion! Have some love in your heart! And know that everything happens for a reason!

Not everything in your life was meant to happen the way you thought it would. It's alright to have given up on whatever it was! Why? Because when you realize that everything happens for a reason. And you realize that if you Really, Really, wanted that goal or dream, you wouldn't have let anything stop you from getting it! Or realize that if it was meant to happen, it would have happened! We will never know because the time has passed by! When time passes and you cannot pursue your goal or dream you've had, always remember the things You Did Not Give Up On! All of us have experiences of triumph! We've all pursued and achieved many things! Count your blessings and remember to let it go! Move forward knowing that there are still goals and dreams yet to pursue! Remember we don't know what life will hand us next or what our next goal or dream will be! But what you should know is whatever you left in the past undone was also for a reason! And believe it or not, sometimes when we think our dream or goal is gone, when we think all is lost, it is NOT! Sometimes life will even throw us a curve ball, giving us our goal or dream when we thought all was lost! Sometimes this can happen many years after you have given up on it! So lighten up! Let it go! If it comes back to you it was meant to happen. If it doesn't come back, it means something else (totally unexpected) is headed your way!

Yes, I too was one of those people who was paying the price for not having it all until I realized that life goes on! Once I learned that I did not have to regret, be mad or angry at others, or be depressed about things that I let pass me by, life took on new meaning! There was no need to be upset even though I'm getting older! I still see things slipping away from me everyday as I get older. But now it doesn't bother me because I have compassion for myself. I realize this happens to everyone and I refuse to let it bring me down! I realize I still have life to live and that means new goals and dreams! I learned that if its meant to happen it will happen, whatever goal or dream that come my way! Realizing this has made me stronger and happier as a person!


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