Daily Inspiration: Keep Going!

This is dedicated to those in my age group (late 40's) who feel they are on their journey alone. For those in the middle of a commitment that they don't think they can handle. For those who have too much on their plate right now and yet have been faced with more to take on. Someone who is maybe thinking about giving up. Don't! Every now and then we get to a point of wanting to give up. The one's who push through know that things aren't usually what they seem to be. The problem, task, responsibility, isn't as big as it appears. When you feel you've hit a wall and can't go any further, take a deep breath and pause and think things through. We live in a fast paced society, but your life doesn't have to be fast. At this point in our lives we need to start slowing down... Its alright to let things take their natural course. We are old enough to know we don't control everything and somethings are out of our control. We cannot control every situation in life, that's a fact! You don't have to do what everybody else is doing. We all make mistakes and the mature one's even admit that they do. So when you get to that point of wanting to give up remember that you are not alone and that whatever way things turn out its OK. You have years of your own experiences to lean upon! You've already done things in your life that you thought you couldn't do. So whatever thing in your path now is just another thing to overcome (and you will overcome just like you have before). I know at times the pressure can be great because not only are we getting older but a lot of us still have tons of responsibilities!. Some of us have family members who depend on us (Spouse/children/parents). At our ages responsibility comes with the life, right! But at our ages we can still be encouraged! We have lived through so many joys and pains and at this point we can draw strength from our past experiences. Don't give up! Don't get too discouraged! Remember that you are only human, and human's make mistakes! Human's fail sometimes. But human's also dust themselves off and keep going! So when you stumble remember that stumbling is normal and it happens to all of us. When the moment comes of not wanting to move forward, let it pass (and it will), then continue moving forward. There is still so much we have left to do in our lifetime! Dust yourself off and keep going!


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