Beauty in the Country?

Let me ask you a question? If you had a choice on whether to wear makeup everyday or not, which would you choose? If you were alone with no one watching, would you put on makeup anyways? On a daily basis this is my issue. I was once someone who lived in a makeup everyday world. City living and business requires a women in most cases to wear makeup at least during business hours. I was one of those women! Yes! Monday through Friday, every morning! On the weekends for a dinner out or a movie, you guessed! Sunday morning church, yep, makeup again! I have always loved makeup that's not the problem. Waking up putting on makeup is just as natural as brushing my teeth! But what if things changed? What if now you don't have to wear makeup everyday? Moving to the country has me facing this issue. To wear or not to wear makeup everyday. At this point we are just now getting settled in. Hubby has a 9 to 5 job. And I am working on restarting my business back up here in the home. With all of this going on you would think I'd want to wear makeup everyday just because I'm busy and doing a lot of stuff. But no, most days I don't see a single soul but my husband when he comes home from work and the weekends. Otherwise most times I am here with plenty to do, but no one to see me doing it. Working online doesn't require the use of makeup nor does house cleaning. So you see I'm stuck with what to do. I have plenty of time for makeup but should I wear it everyday like I use to. Now for the sake of argument I must admit again that I love makeup and so far no matter what I'm doing, on most days I do put on some measure of makeup. Sometimes its not much and other times its a full face...
Not  coming into contact with anyone somedays has a blessing and also a curse! I also love people and I'm usually the one with plenty of friends around town. Girlfriends to share makeup tips and local new use to be an everyday occurrence. Nowadays I might use Google+ or Facebook Messenger to see some of my friends, but usually its quiet around here. All I have is me sometimes. With that said this has been my approach so far: if I wake up and want to put on makeup, that's what I do. I determine how much to put on when I wake up. I let my day dictate if I put on makeup! So far its been working great! Don't get me wrong, I still have those moments when I miss putting on makeup like I used to. But I quickly get out of the missing mode when I remember that I'm finally doing whatever I want!!! The choice is totally mine (in most cases). So yeah, I'll have beauty in the county! Everyday I get to decide how much beauty I want! I love that! The freedom of choosing...daily!
What's your thoughts on beauty in the country? Do you have a job that requires you to wear makeup daily? Or are you someone who doesn't have to wear makeup unless you want? I'd like to hear your thoughts... Leave me a comment or question below!


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