A lot to do about Nothing... Going to town?
When you live in the city or the suburbs, you don't think too much of running errands or going to the grocery store. Modern conveniences are just a few blocks away usually. But country living is just a little different. Nothing out here but wide open spaces! It almost takes a plan to go to town. You don't want to forget anything or miss picking something up. Going to town when you live at least 17 miles from the nearest town has been challenging to say the least. Since moving back to the country it is the one thing that has given me the most problems. You see at first I would go once a week (supposedly) to pick up all we need for the household for that week. Problem was, I would forget things and end up going back to town for something I forgot. Sometimes I would even end up going back to town twice in one day because I forgot something important. It started to be very bothersome to have to go back to town after just getting home. Instead of once a week trips I ended up going to town sometimes four or five times a week! I would get so upset that I wouldn't want to go back to town at all! I had to do better! But time usually heals all that ails you... Over time I finally got my act together! I got tired of running to town so much and burning so much energy and gas! I made a effort to do better! Now I rarely have to go once a week anymore. I've gotten so good that I usually go about every two weeks. My goal is to go to town only once a month! Once a month! Once you get use to being in the country going to town isn't the same.
Now I only want to pick up what's necessary and get back home to the country. It's not that I'm anti-social, but I've had my share of people! I am also a business owner in a people related business. So I'm not shying away from meeting or seeing people. But my main reason for moving to the country was for the peace and quiet it offers. Nowadays you can be away from people or not, and still live in the country. Thanks to transportation I can always get out and go when I want. I'm not too far away from a big town. Besides, now that I've moved to the country and settled in a bit, friends and family are starting to come around and visit. I have grandchildren who visit often. Going to town takes on new meaning once you are settled in. Now when I go to town I have my trusty list with me and I try to stay focused on my mission at hand! Once I'm done with everything I re-check my list before I start for home and after that it's back to the country! Having all my errands taken care of and feeling good to have it all behind me. So now going to town isn't such a big deal at all...
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