Thinking out Loud... Birthday thoughts!

With my birthday less than a week away, my thoughts of birthdays past always fill my mind. I've always loved birthdays (mine especially)! Turning a year older has always been a sense of pride for me. Looking back I remember all kinds of birthdays. Some good, some bad. Lately I've gotten into the habit of reflection every year before my birthday.

I wouldn't judge the past year upon reflection but I seriously look at my life and the changes that has occurred in a years time. Now that I've gotten older, every year there are usually life-changing events and unforgettable moments! Unfortunately someone always dies! Somebody has gotten very sick or some kind of shake-up in the family! Always! Looking back on birthdays I can see the changes in my life and the one's close to me lives! It's not always a pretty picture! We live in turbulent times. Just about everyone I know is having a hard time living! Most of us are just glad to see another day, not thinking much about our birthday.

I've had great birthday moments that I'll never forget! In my younger years there was concerts and parties. When I got older it was having a grandchild born on my birthday and seeing old loved one's that I hadn't seen in years! Birthdays usually have a special place in our lives. Even if it's to check off you're calendar for another year of life. I'm glad now just to go with the flow! I don't plan anything for my birthday anymore. I usually spend the day counting my many blessings! I give thanks for making it another year then whatever happens that day happens! A old wise soul told me one time that "you can't plan life, it happens"!

Thinking back on birthdays past gives me a lot to be thankful for! I've seen many that didn't make it this far. At my age I've had many friends and love one pass on over the years. This make birthdays bittersweet. Even though I'm blessed to be getting a year older, there are friends and family that have passed away or are no longer in my life. I've learned from birthday to birthday you never know what will happen!

Looking back on birthdays has made me a better person. Through reflection I can see my strengths and weaknesses, and from there I can make improvements! While looking back over the past year it gives me a chance to put it all into perspective. And with perspective I can move forward and continue working to be the best me possible!


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