Getting Older and Fashion..

Fashion has evolved in so many ways! These days its almost anything goes when it comes to styles and outfits. When I was younger I never thought too much about age appropriate clothes. I would wear whatever suited me and sometimes I would buy a trendy piece here or there. I've always like to dress well and look my best when it comes to business, meetings and being in public. Being well polished can be the difference between getting that raise or not! Dress to impress was a well used statement back in the day. There used to be a real clear line between young adults clothes and older ladies clothes. But that has all changed now. People wear what they want at any age! The fashion industry mostly caters to the young. But what do you do when you're not young anymore? 

So many middle-aged women are wanting to keep their youth through dressing young, hip, and trendy. But does it always look appropriate? Knowing when to change your style of clothing is important when you start to get older. I mean, you really want to reconsider low cut skinny jeans when you get to a certain age! But when you're too old for trendy clothes but not old enough for old ladies clothes, what do you do? Being a middle-aged women with grandchildren, I never want to look too trendy to them. But at the same time I look pretty good for my age and I don't want to dress like a complete old "over the hill"! This was something I never gave too much thought to when I was younger, but as I get older I have found myself thinking about how to dress appropriately for my age. Back in my day if you were a middle-aged women, it was expected for you to dress way down and wear all of your clothing loose and outdated. In these days and times its different. Age doesn't count for much anymore. You've got old ladies in their 70's still wearing mini skirts and halter tops! That's not the image I want to portray. I want to still look my age without actually looking "over-the-hill". 

I've always been known for dressing well and for the most part always looking appropriate. I'm not the type to wear things that are too short or too tight anymore. But I still have a few trendy pieces of clothing that I wear from time to time. Nobody really talks about clothes and age, but it does matter what you wear and what age you are! Nobody wants to see grandma with her  mini skirt on and low fitting tank top! Style can be had at any age! Being fashionably dressed just takes looking at your wardrobe and seeing what no longer fits your style! Over time we all change and evolve, so does you're style. As I've gotten older, my style has changed. I am usually more aware of what I buy when it comes to clothes. And I don't buy clothes just because its in style. 

What I've done is simple. When I see a fashionable trendy piece of clothing I might want to buy, I first try it on and think about how it would go with other things in my wardrobe. I look more at the quality of the piece of clothing too. Some trendy clothing don't last past a few wash cycles, then its ready to be donated or thrown out. I also try to be more aware of the amount of money I'm spending on clothing. Trying to be trendy all the time and keeping up with every fashion style can be pricey. So when I consider a piece of clothing, I also consider the price. I like to buy clothing that will last past one season! I haven't changed my style all together. Some clothing pieces are classics that never go out of style for any age! Being bold enough to wear something you like is always fashionable! If there is a style that I like and it looks good on me, I will be bold enough to wear it! How you feel in your clothes make a big difference on how you look in your clothes. And remember looking good and feeling good in your clothes does make a difference in how you look! Wearing clothes with confidence shows! 

Just remember getting older doesn't mean you can't have fun with your clothing anymore. Getting older and fashion just means that you are more aware and selective of your clothing choices. And when it comes to shopping trends, try it on! Buy something that will go with other things in your wardrobe. Keep your classic pieces. And most of all if its something that you like and enjoy wearing, wear it with confidence and pride! Clothing says a lot about us and who we are. When thinking about trendy styles and trying to keep up with fashion, consider what your clothes will be saying about you! What style do you want the world to see? Me, well all I want is to look good for my age. I have no interest in looking younger. I don't want to still look like I'm in my twenties! I'm perfectly fine with getting older! I just want to look fashionable and well put together for my age. I want to look classic and stylish! I plan on continuing wearing clothing that I love, while dressing appropriately fashionable...


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